Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623

VisitEngland Awards for Excellence

07 May 2024

If you run an outstanding pub, enter the VisitEngland Awards for Excellence now! Local awards competitions take place across the country and eligible winners are forwarded to the national competition, the highest accolade in English tourism.

The Awards offer businesses great PR opportunities and can help you to gain a competitive edge. They provide an opportunity to reflect on what is working well for you and, through feedback from an independent judge, help you to improve and develop your business. It’s also a great opportunity to celebrate and reward your staff and the awards events enable you to network with other award-winning businesses in your area.

For useful tips on how to make your entry stand out and advice from Stay in a Pub CEO Sophie BraybrookeRobin Barker from the South West and Beautiful South Tourism Awards and the VisitEngland Awards for Excellence Project Manager Vicky Parr, join our FREE webinar on Wednesday 15 May at 10am. 

Places are limited so book now.

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Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623